about life (and laundry)

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


(our... beautiful home)
(or... the Dark Dungeon)
We have definitely put changing out the front door on the back burner (for now) but... I am hoping (fingers crossed) that it will be replaced at some point (soon). I sure hope the "subtle" subliminal messaging works here, cause the current door just "screams" the 70's! I know it could be be totally hip and "retro cool" in a different house (perhaps one that was... umm... totally hip and "retro cool") but it just doesn't seem like the right fit for our home. Not only do the double doors contribute to making the walk up to the house a bit unsightly, once inside, the entry seems somewhat dark and cavernous as a result of this "solid wall of wood". I am hoping to eventually replace the doubles with a single door unit with sidelights. I like the style of the one pictured at the top of the post... it would let in so much beautiful sunlight (without allowing solicitors to gawk while I'm trying to pretend that I'm not at home ; )

Imagine it painted a nice and welcoming red... ahhh, so pretty, I can picture it already...

(image courtesy of http://www.mtndoor.com )

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