about life (and laundry)

Saturday, March 6, 2010


The new windows changed the whole exterior!

I'M SO EXCITED... I JUST CAN'T HIDE IT... WHOOOWEE!... The windows are in and they are fabulous!!! I knew I was going to love these new windows, but I didn't know that I was going to L O V E these new windows! The entire exterior changed when these guys went in and so did the interior... no more road noise, no more drafts, no more lead paint and most exciting- no more broken glass!!! They were a bear to replace though. In AZ most people have windows made of aluminum, vinyl or fiberglass. Very few people have wood clad windows (which are the kind that we purchased) so replacing the 1 inch (no exaggeration) 1960's steel windows with 4.5 inch wood windows has been quite the challenge, but the process is almost done, and it will definitely be worth it in the end! I did keep a few of the old windows as souvenirs. I have a special project in mind for those... (fyi, the old windows are in the two lower pics, with the diamond patterns ; )

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