about life (and laundry)

Monday, December 6, 2010

Star light, Star bright, The first star I see tonight...

I really enjoyed dressing up our new home for the holidays this year. I had picked up an abundance of decorating supplies during the after Christmas sales of 2009, where everything was 90% off (super-duper SCORE!)

As I strung the lights across the roof-line, my kids danced across the front lawn... singing "Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer" and "Frosty the Snowman"... we had so much fun! Of course it was day-time when we decorated... so we would have to wait until night fall to delight in our display! That evening, we were heading over to my parent's home for the yearly gathering to decorate the "Regal Buckingham Tree" (a fantastic event that includes many delightful traditions that I will have to blog about in detail at a later date :P) Before we left for the evening, I turned on all of our lights, making sure that we would be greeted with all of the wonderful holiday cheer upon our return home.

After all of the evening's festivities were complete, we invited our family members to take a tour of all the Christmas lights in the neighborhood, with it all culminating with a drive down our street. But as we came closer to the curve in the street that leads to our home, we began to see a glow. A glow that became brighter and brighter as we approached...

Once we finally made it around the bend, we couldn't believe our eyes... (Or perhaps it was that we could no longer use our eyes... suffering from a temporary blindness, similar to that of staring at the sun for a brief amount of time!) Our house was lit up like the 4th of July!!!

I have attempted to mute the brightness by running garland around the lights, but it has not really had the dampening affect that I had hoped for...
Meanwhile, we are spreading, what I can only refer to as "Extreme Holiday Cheer," and I will continue to cross my fingers that we do not give the sweet elderly couple that lives across the street, heart attacks every night when we plug our lights in!

Zen and the Art of Holiday Madness

I spent a good part of last week pulling boxes out of the attic. Boxes and boxes and boxes of holiday decorations... and I loved every moment of it! Dusting off each box and carefully extracting it's contents... feeling the emotions that each item held in my heart... taking the time to really enjoy these special trinkets that I only get to see for a few weeks every year. It's kind of similar to visiting loved ones who live far away, every moment that you have together seems that much more special.
Our holiday decorations include family heirlooms that have been part of many generations of our families' celebrations. Every year we have added a little bit more to our collection by making crafts and finding unique items that fit our quirky style. Our Christmas tree tells a story... a story of where we have been, what we have loved, what we have lost, what we dream of and what we cherish most.

Billy and I both have numerous ornaments from the trees of our childhood. The one pictured above is one of my favorites! My aunt (not technically my aunt, but I always thought of her as one) made a few of these for me. They are so delicate and beautiful, and I can't imagine my tree being complete without them!

My newest favorites consist of the home-made items that my kids have created. Tanner loves art! What I really meant to say is... TANNER LOVES ART!!! I have an abundance of beautiful pieces that she has made through the years. Tucker has made a few items too, but Tanner has made enough to fill her own tree! The ornament pictured above was created completely by her, the concept, the coloring and the detail, were all her own. She made it for me a couple of years ago, it's an ice cream cone (so special because not only is it beautiful but it is also my favorite treat of all time!)

These treasured ornaments were made by my mom. She made these framed pictures for Bill and I the year we were married. Like a piece of stained glass, they have an antique look, fitted with a photo from years past. I misplaced these once while packing up all the Christmas decorations and we missed them for the following 3 years... those trees seemed naked without them! Thankfully (gratefully) they were found!

Now I know what you may be thinking here... "What the heck does Spiderman have to do with X-mas?" and the answer (of course) is.... "Everything!!! at least when Tuck was 3 years old it sure did! Spiderman toys predominated his list to Santa, Spiderman pj's were worn to bed, Spiderman books were read every night. So it only seemed right, that Spiderman should be hanging (upside down of course) from our Christmas tree! Awwww, the memories!

(I should also note that we have quite the abundant supply of Barbie, Hello Kitty and Sports related ornaments hanging from out tree too!!!)

This ornament commemorates an especially wonderful trip to Disneyland. The trip in which the entire Koning clan was able to take over "The Happiest Place on Earth" all together! We had such a wonderful time, and one of our favorite memories from that family vacation was the discovery of the "Hidden Mickey" (this is a beloved pass time still to this day, and btw, you do not have to be at Disneyland in order to find a Hidden Mickey, they are EVERYWHERE!!! scroll back up 3 pictures to the ornament Tanner made for me, to see what I mean :)

Please allow me to introduce you to "Zombie Clause." (This is what happens when I let my husband play with crafting supplies intended for the kids. Nuff said.)

This little guy reminded me of the characters from the movie "Nightmare Before Christmas." That is one of our all-time favorite X-mas movies. I couldn't imagine a holiday season without it!

and my wish from my childhood still holds true...

Monday, August 23, 2010

New Paint, New Landscape, New Attitude!

(Before below, After above) It is a bit hard to tell the color from the photo, but we painted the body of the house in a light grey-green called Sprig of Ivy (Lowes) and the trim is all in white and the new shutters are black. It all compliments the brickwork very well. :)

In keeping with the face-lift the exterior of our home rcvd over the summer, I also gave my blog a face-lift... no more shabby, peeling wood... everything is feeling beautiful and pulled together now... ahhhh! so nice to finally feel like you can just put your feet up and enjoy :)
Whew!!! It was worth the wait (and the blood, and the sweat, and the tears!) A lot of work went into this home over the past 10 months and it was soooo worth it! After finishing the front lawn over the weekend, we now have the very satisfied feeling of having the home that we had dreamed this house would become (don't get me wrong we are by no means finished! I mean are you EVER really "finished"???) The backyard is still a complete blank canvas (waiting to have a pool painted onto it ;) and their are little paint touch ups to be done here and there... but for the most part our home is complete (sigh)... it has been a fun adventure, but I am very happy (and proud) to say that we did it! Many thanks to all of the people who helped us accomplish our dream... Thank you, Thank You! THANK YOU!!!

The Dining Room

Before below, After above.
(The cut out in the bottom half of the wall is where we replaced the old electric wiring. We had to remove ALL of the old wiring in this house! FIRE HAZARD!)

The Living Room

Before below, After above.

The Kitchen is My Favorite Place

Before below, After above

Back To School... Back To Blogging

Summer is over! (well... it is still hot as heck in AZ, but the kiddos went back to school 2 weeks ago, so I guess what I meant to say... is summer vacation is over ;) We have been busy, busy, busy all summer long with a couple of fun-filled family trips... and lots and lots of home improvement projects!
Tanner 3rd grade
Tucker 2nd grade

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Two Steps To Shiny Stainless Steel...

After a bit of experimenting, I finally came up with a "fairly" quick way to get stainless steel appliances clean and shiny... Sprayway is my drug of choice (haha, my sis-in-law calls this stuff "crack", seriously you have got to try it, even if you don't have stainless steel appliances, the window cleaner by itself is insane... you will have perfectly clean/streak-free windows after just one use of this fabulous foaming cleaner!!! But I digress... back to stainless steel cleaning, you will need both Sprayway Glass Cleaner and Stainless Steel Polish and two cotton cloths (keep the polish cloth with your polish, it does not need to be washed after each use and will keep oily for small touch-ups.) First you must clean the surface with the Glass Cleaner... it cuts through all the grime/gunk/oils that just rinsing with water doesn't do, and using soap with water leaves too much film behind. Once you have completed the cleaning process you will see many streaks and uneven tones in the steel, this is where the polishing comes in. Now you will use the Stainless Steel polish (I refuse to call it "cleaner... and polish" like the can says... because it DOES NOT CLEAN!) To get the best finish, try to rub the polish in "with the grain" of your appliance (a tip from my other sis-in-law) .

Seriously, if you have had trouble getting your SS to look like new, this works!!! Just try it in an inconspicuous spot first (I wouldn't want to be responsible for ruining someone else's stuff!!!)

btw... I am pretty sure that I have cleaned the exterior of this new fridge more in the past 3 weeks than I cleaned my previous fridge in it's entire existence!!! (and we bought that one when we purchased our first home 9 yrs ago!)

A Couple of My Favorite Details

Love these sconces! I put them in the hallways and in the master bath, where they flank the sides of the vanity mirror.
I found this door hardware on line, and the pricing along with the quality is amazing... Handlesets.com if anyone is looking to replace their current knobs.

A Quick Peek...

We have officially moved in, but life is still in "transition" mode. I have been very (VERY) non committal... furniture placement continues to change and I haven't even hung one thing on the walls yet! But even with all of the continued chaos and confusion we have settled into daily life here, and I can honestly say that it already feels like home... HOME SWEET HOME!
The Living Room... a favorite hang out for the cats, I suppose with the sisal rug and sofa table along the window, they probably think we made it just for them. (Just a little warning for you Dad ; )
The Dining Room... I really need to find something great to hang on that wall...
The Kitchen... already initiated with the the sights and smells of my fabulous culinary... ummm, "performances"... this is my favorite part of the entire house... Best Feature (by a landside) is the hood! It is ultra powerful! Pulling the smoke and stink out of a room in 3 seconds flat... trust me... I have REALLY tested it!

More pics soon, I am just trying to catch up with my own spinning head right now :)

Sunday, May 2, 2010

This Is... Chaos!!!

Seriously... someone help! It's like an episode of "Hoarders" over here... This is no way to live! We are supposed to move next weekend and in the meantime... Life is CRAZY!!!
I guess I need to get my butt out of this chair, quit blogging and do some gosh darn LAUNDRY!

Trimming it Up

I have always thought that trim is an incredibly over-looked detail here in AZ. Most homes here have very little trim (usually nothing around the windows, and very rarely do you ever see crown molding.) I love old historic homes (like the Victorians that line Mt. Vernon St. up in Prescott) and the way that the little details are celebrated in the simplest way... making the biggest difference.
We knew that we would do something more dramatic than the standard 3" baseboard you see in most new construction. When we found this fabulous 5.5" stuff we flipped... it was simple (not to fancy, as our house is certainly not fancy) not too big (our ceilings are not soaring volume ceilings, so I didn't think that 10" baseboards that ran halfway up the wall would look too good!) and not too small (yep, I am just like Goldy Locks, I want it "just right" ;) And then we came across these corner blocks... OhMyGoodness... I am in love!!! They are the coolest, little, simple detail... and maybe no one will ever notice them... but I will... and I LOVE IT!

Making Progress in the Master Bath

Just finishing up on all of the tile work... Tons and tons of tile work... Getting ready to order the shower door, I am thinking a frame-less, clear glass door will work best here. Once all of the grouting is finished we will get the toilet and vanity installed.
I laid in the tub (for a little test of it's size and comfort) and ended up taking a 20 minute siesta!!! It is so soothing and relaxing in our new bathroom, that I fell asleep in the midst of all of this chaos and construction!!! Now that says something... either this is the perfect bath or I am exhausted!
The toiletry ledge.
Entry where the swinging glass door will be. For a reminder of what the Master Bath looked like before click here.

Hall Bath Make-Over Almost Complete

The layout stayed the same, but some cosmetic changes were needed (The cheery art deco style has its charm, and trust me if I were in my early 20's I would probably have kept it as is, but this is supposed to be my "grown-up" house... so the black and white checker boards gotta go.) We just need to hang the mirrors over the vanities and trim out the lone window on the end of the wall and this baby is done!

(hmmmm... maybe I should have kept that toilet... pretty cool)

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mixed Emotions...

As we get ready to move into our new house, I find myself flooded with memories from the home that our family has grown in...

the front porch where we would sit and "watch the world go by"...

the backyard where our kids...
~ learned how to swing and ride bikes
~ ran like crazy through sprinklers
~ discovered new tricks on a trampoline
~ found ladybugs and baby hummingbirds

the back acre, where you could watch the most glorious sunsets from a tree swing...

the "barn" where so many projects came to life...

the back patio, where many gatherings took place...

we have been so lucky! what a wonderful place to have lived!

I will miss so many things about this home...
the stars at night
watching jets take off from Luke
listening to all of the birds (hundreds call our yard home)
waking up to the rooster's crow
walks along the irrigation ditch
first day of school pictures at the front door

... and so much more