about life (and laundry)

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


The vanity area will soon look a lot like this...
but right now it looks like this...
the tub will eventually look somewhat like this...
or perhaps a little bit more like this...
but right now it looks like this...
and the shower will look similar to this...
but at the moment it is looking more like this...

The master bathroom has been affectionately referred to as the "black hole" for months now. Nobody ever wanted to go in there (like an over-stuffed closet, we would just toss things in and run away without ever really looking inside) partially because it was dark and musty in there... but mostly because it was really frickin' SCARY! So we just avoided it. But the inevitable day has arrived, it is time to face this room that has been haunting our home.

Here is a little reminder of what the bathroom looked like before any demo began...
(REMINDER: the only window in the bathroom is looking into the garage!)

and truthfully the room got even uglier as the demo progressed.
(keep in mind these pictures are all taken with a flash... this room was very, VERY dark! hence the name ~ The Black Hole)

The demo of this bath was quite intense, that shower wanted to stay and really put up a good fight, but in the end, good taste prevailed (good bye 80's! go try to sell peachy pink tile and red lightening bolts to someone else!) The bathroom was quite small with just a walk in shower and no bath, so we opened up a couple of walls to make space for a large tub and a make-up vanity, and then added a couple of windows (while getting rid of the little drive-up window to the garage ; ) Ahhhhh... there is a light at the end of this tunnel...

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