about life (and laundry)

Saturday, May 22, 2010

A Quick Peek...

We have officially moved in, but life is still in "transition" mode. I have been very (VERY) non committal... furniture placement continues to change and I haven't even hung one thing on the walls yet! But even with all of the continued chaos and confusion we have settled into daily life here, and I can honestly say that it already feels like home... HOME SWEET HOME!
The Living Room... a favorite hang out for the cats, I suppose with the sisal rug and sofa table along the window, they probably think we made it just for them. (Just a little warning for you Dad ; )
The Dining Room... I really need to find something great to hang on that wall...
The Kitchen... already initiated with the the sights and smells of my fabulous culinary... ummm, "performances"... this is my favorite part of the entire house... Best Feature (by a landside) is the hood! It is ultra powerful! Pulling the smoke and stink out of a room in 3 seconds flat... trust me... I have REALLY tested it!

More pics soon, I am just trying to catch up with my own spinning head right now :)

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