about life (and laundry)

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


(Whewww, thats a mouth full, but that is kinda what I am...)

A long time ago I came across a magazine article that featured a loft owned by an artist in NY. He had such amazing style. Mixing all genres and decorating techniques, seeming to effortlessly mesh them together. That was such an inspiration to me...
Take what you love and make it work!
I have never liked conventional things. Often times I don't like "the rules" that we are supposed to play by. I like to mess with things, turn them on there head, change them up to suit me and my style... take something ordinary and make it original. I think a home should be a reflection of who you are and what you love, the bits and pieces that make you one of a kind.

 lil' bit lofty
 lil' bit bohemian
lil' bit traditional
 lil' bit country

... now mix it all together, sprinkle with lots of love and comfort and then you have... home.

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