about life (and laundry)

Sunday, May 8, 2011

The Best Gifts of All

It is Mother's Day 2011 and I am feeling the love... not only from being a mom (or for having the world's greatest mom for my own mom)... but the love of family.

 I can not even begin to express how grateful I am to be a part of such an incredible family. We love each other, and I mean it, we really do love each other. Does that mean that we always get along and agree.. HECK NO! But it means that we respect each other enough to laugh at our differences and forgive our "character flaws" this to me is the definition of family! I once described my life growing up as being "Beaver Cleaver-like" to which my brother scoffed "What house did you grow up in?!" haha! He was right, our life was nothing like "the Beavs"... (Thank the Gods!) But I guess what I meant was, our life has always been... fun, interesting, eventful, honest, forgiving, memorable, hilariously sarcastic... and most of all... filled with 

Lucky for me that I found a man with a similar family. Melting our outlooks on life and family together to form our own little house filled with love. Yep, how lucky I am indeed... Life is short, Family is forever. 

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