about life (and laundry)

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

White Walls

... something I have always associated as a negative thing
... so boring
... so dirty looking
... so blah.
but then I realized something- while looking at all of my magazine clippings that I have collected throughout the years (and my smashing new pinterest collection that I have recently plugged diligently away at on-line) I noticed that it appears that I actually LOVE white walls. They are everywhere in my "inspiration" collection... everywhere!!! -as in... almost half of the images that I have collected feature white walls in their backdrop... This hit me the other day like a ton of bricks... seriously... how had I never noticed that I had an intense longing for white walls, a repressed love that I have mercilessly coated over with every shade of the rainbow?! 

how could it be?... but then again... could it be true?
was my real true love ... white walls?

have I been wasting my time fooling around with all of these paint chips...
I mean they have always been short term flings,
I have yet to find a color that has satisfied me long enough to keep it around for more than a few years...

the greens...
the blues...
the yellows...

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