about life (and laundry)

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We have 4 huge palms in our front yard. Three are located in a cluster at the front of the house. They look so happy and content to be there and we are very happy to have them there. But this one, the fourth (I named him Hairy) is a loner (not to mention he is shaggy and incredibly unkempt.) Sitting way off to the side of the property, he looks so out of place and sad to be there... Tomorrow is a big day, he is being adopted by the city of LP! And will soon be right at home, nestled in with many friends along one of the palm lined city streets.

1 comment:

  1. keary, i love the blog, and i think it is such a neat family adventure the kiddos will always remember. can't wait to see it in person. tara <3
