about life (and laundry)

Thursday, February 25, 2010


With all of the texture throughout the house finished yesterday, the first coat of primer paint went on the walls today. Thought I would post a picture of the poetry found in one of our bedroom closets before it was gone forever. ~ A cryptic reminder of the sad economic times that the real estate market is currently in. So many people have been affected by such loss.

A house 17 years my home
soon not my own
twas me not mine
these wheels keep on turnin'
and all I've lost's my treadmill

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


We have 4 huge palms in our front yard. Three are located in a cluster at the front of the house. They look so happy and content to be there and we are very happy to have them there. But this one, the fourth (I named him Hairy) is a loner (not to mention he is shaggy and incredibly unkempt.) Sitting way off to the side of the property, he looks so out of place and sad to be there... Tomorrow is a big day, he is being adopted by the city of LP! And will soon be right at home, nestled in with many friends along one of the palm lined city streets.


This is what was left of the 4 huge saguaros that once lived in our yard. A moment mixed with a tinge of sadness, but truly... mostly... filled with joy(!) We tried to find new homes for the big fellas, but alas, no one wanted them (too many holes from the Cactus Wrens I suppose) luckily we found out ~ if the cactus is in "your" yard, it's "your" business what you do with it... so it was ADIOS AMIGOS! Gone too is the beloved Rainbow Room {sniff (memories) sniff} but, ahhhhh... the beauty of nice, crisp white walls... so refreshing... (though they won't last for long, paint starts next week!)

Monday, February 15, 2010


Valentines from my sweets... xoxoxo

Sunday, February 14, 2010


I just realized our new house is like a box of LUCKY CHARMS!!! Pink Hearts, Orange Flagstone, Diamond Windows, Purple Horseshoes, Blue Skies and Rainbow Rooms! WOW!!! I have always loved that cereal, but who would have ever guessed I would want to live in it... I am going to go check the yard for a 4 leaf clover...

Saturday, February 13, 2010


outdated kitchen
Egyptian space room
lots of flagstone
lucky horse shoes
and of course... LOTS MORE FLAGSTONE!!!


Seriously... if anyone wants them, come and get them! I have heard they are protected (you can't just knock them over and kill them, so we are stuck trying to figure out what to do) I love these big, beautiful cacti... just not in my front yard!!! Of course they were the ONLY vegetation that survived the drought, when the house's water was turned off :P


The house sat vacant for over a year. In that time, most of the trees and bushes died :( We were left with the task of removing all of the dead stuff, which has left us with a nice blank canvas! Perfect space for a pool... working on the budget to see how we can work that in ; )


It wasn't in the original plans to replace the garage door right away... but the old one just didn't want to cooperate when being used everyday. So we went ahead and changed it out. Tucker helped Billy build the new framing for the door. I just love the way it turned out! Adds a bit of character to the side of the house :)

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Finished drywall in the breakfast nook and Bill's office today :) We will be seeing texture go on the walls next week!!! The new windows are arriving next week also!!! SO EXCITING! The changes are coming fast and furiously now...

Wednesday, February 10, 2010


This space completely transformed when we opened up the wall that separated it from the kitchen. The two lower pictures (before construction started) show the wall before it was opened up, when it was a solid wall, lined with built-in book shelves. The original layout of the house had only two entry areas to the kitchen, one through the laundry room, the other through the formal dining area. The segmented ranch house styling of the 60's was in definite need of some modern day tweaking.


Originally a series of 4 rooms (inexplicably added on throughout the years) we decided to divide the space up. First step was removing the "decorative log" ceiling fixture (this was no easy task! apparently the log was a real labor of love for the previous owner... layers, upon layers of plaster, covering chicken wire mesh... faux finished to a have the appearance of a rustic piece of wood :P) Next we had to frame the wall that would separate the new spaces: bedroom, den, and walk in closet. We added a layer of heavy duty insulation between the bedroom and den, in the hopes that it will create a nice sound barrier between the sleeping and TV watching areas. (LOL on the pic of Billy wielding a sledge hammer, while wearing a mask AND camo-cargos!!!)


After tearing out the cabinetry and light fixture soffits, we found that the drywall was in poor condition and needed to be replaced. Now the mudding is done and we are ready for texture. Special thanks to our handy crew who helped us to answer the age old question... "how many full grown men does it take to screw in a light bulb?" ; )


We removed soffits and the old a/c configuration. We also opened up the wall between the kitchen and family room. This gave the house an amazingly open feel and let more light filter thru. Notice the insulation all across the ground. This is just the tip of the iceberg, we threw out tons of this nasty, dust infested crap!!!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Needs no words... kinda speaks for itself. (Though I will note that the window above the toilet looks into... the GARAGE!)


Small, dark, soffited ceiling, hideous light fixture, window to a room... wait a minute!?!?!? window to a room? what? why? wuhwuhwuhwuhwhat!!!! ok... OK... now that is what a I call a room with a view! Some people have trees, some people have pools, some people have golf courses, some people even have a frickin ocean view, but me... ME... I have a view of... another room! (and yes if you look closely you can see that the dining area, just past the countertop, also has a view... to yet another room!) Hmmmm? we thought long and hard on this one... and decided... that we did not want to keep things this way. So we tore out the kitchen completely, down to the studs. We removed the dining window and made it an entryway into the other room which will now become our breakfast nook. The room that our kitchen window looks into will become (what it was originally intended to be) ... a porch.


You have heard the saying "The kitchen is the heart of the home"- well here is an interesting interpretation of that... right smack-dab in the middle of my kitchen!!! I know what you were thinking, "Wow that is a fascinating idea, putting a heart shaped flagstone inset on the patio" but nay... not the patio my friends. This flagstone was in my kitchen, my bathrooms, my entry way, MY BEDROOM... anywhere and everywhere "pee stained carpet" was missing... you would find this fantastic "outdoor" flooring in its place! Needless to say it is gone now, luckily it popped out with the greatest of ease. In its place will be hand-scraped antique hickory throughout the entire home.

THE MASTER (kinda scary)

Here is a taste of what we started with... This is the Master Bedroom, THE MASTER BEDROOM!!! seriously, I am not joking! This is exactly what we saw, and we STILL BOUGHT IT!!! If you look closely, you will notice such fine details as ~ mix and match carpeting (stained with excrement of various species, possibly even human) fancy paint finishes and a "plaster of paris log ceiling fixture" which stretches the length of the room (admittedly my favorite detail of the entire home ; )


Here she is! Our "new" home. Built in 1963, the exterior of the house reflects our style very well (except for the cacti, but hey what can we expect, we do live in AZ ;) Eventually the entire front yard will be grass, Billy even wanted to remove the circle drive, but I fought hard to keep it, so far, I am winning this battle... The rock and vegetation have already been removed. We are replacing the windows at the end of February, it was a tough decision, we like the historical aspect of the 60's diamond design, but they are not energy efficient AT ALL! (And truly, they are quite hideous if you give them even the slightest glance from a distance any closer than the street :/) Once the interior is finished we will paint the exterior trim and stucco, and also replace the shutters around all of the windows.
Hey there, just starting my new blog... this is kind of exciting! I am planning to use it to share pictures and updates. Hopefully I will be able to figure this thing out, without going completely insane ;)