about life (and laundry)

Tuesday, June 28, 2011



I often find myself wandering along all of the decisions I've made in life, you know the big ones, the small ones... all of those decisions that have lead me to where I am... right now.

and where am I? suburbia... really?! I would have never guessed I would end up here.

I am not knocking it, I mean for being stuck in the suburbs, we have created an amazing life here...  it's just not what I would have ever "dreamed" of...

when I look at myself, my thoughts, my dreams... they just don't seem to match up with this suburban life.

I belong on the beach, an "ocean community" if you will (inside joke between Bill & I) or a big city... I know these two ideas seem worlds apart, but there is common pulse in there... a heartbeat that feels more like my own. 

maybe. someday. just maybe...

Friday, June 24, 2011

Today, I love this...


How long would it take you...

If a bird took a sh!t on your window, how long would it take you to clean it up? (btw, I figure there are only 2 real answers to this question, so I have eliminated any C or D answer options)

A. You would clean it the second you saw it.
B. You would clean it when it finally gnawed on you enough that you couldn't stand it anymore, like say a month or two or ten...

I seem to be of the group that would opt for the B category.